On Friday evening as I was driving home from a day of work at UCLA (and by driving I mean sitting in traffic), I suddenly felt extremely tired and like I really just wanted to curl up somewhere and hibernate for the next few months. As I began to think through everything that needed to be accomplished between then and the next time I would be making that drive (which is next Friday), I suddenly realized how overwhelming it all was. I came away from that car ride having learned two valuable lessons. First, don't think about your "to do" list when you can't do anything about it. Second, when you very first start thinking that your list might be more than you can handle, realize that that is absolutely an accurate assessment, and start praying that God will give you the strength you need to accomplish everything He has planned for you. Unfortunately, like a lot of my lessons, this one was learned in retrospect. I'm so thankful that God is continually teaching me and allowing me to learn the lessons He has for me. Truthfully I didn't learn these lessons until I was sitting in church this morning, and literally cried as I confessed to God that once again I had attempted to strike out on my own rather than relying on Him. I've decided the verse I want to memorize during my drives this week is I Thessalonians 5:16-18, in which Paul says, "Rejoice always; praying without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I especially like how it's not sometimes or in some things, but always and in everything. What an incredible and necessary reminder.:o)
On another note, I had another wonderful weekend with my parents who had come down for Kate's last Saturday home game. We made some fun memories and had a terrific time together. I've included some photos from the last two weekends below. I would also really appreciate all of your prayers for this week. I have three midterms in addition to my usual clinical and work schedule, so it's a good thing that I can trust that God will provide my strength. Lots of studying, reading, memorizing, and perhaps a little sleeping to do, so I don't anticipate posting again until next weekend. I hope you are all having a wonderful and blessed Sunday, and Lord-willing I will be able to catch up with some of you once my first round of midterms are behind me.
1 comment:
You're so showing off ;) Love ya!
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