Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Olympic Moment

I'm headed into that time of the quarter when I feel a need to take one last gulp of air, and then just put my head down and start pumping my arms wildly as I sprint toward the finish line. (Hmm, perhaps I've been watching too much olympics.) As funny as that image is, I look even more ridiculous in real life as I run from one thing to the next (sometimes in scrubs and sometimes in heels:o). I turned in a group project tonight, and that marked the last assignment to be turned in. From here on out I will be studying as much as is humanly possible in a desperate attempt to cram every minute piece of information that could possibly be on the finals into a brain that can not possibly accommodate it all. Depending on how far away you live from me you may be able to smell the smoke... I have included a few pictures as a reminder (mostly to myself) that I have made a lot of fun memories recently, and that someday, despite how I may feel right now, I will Lord-willing be making them again!:o)

A night at the Hollywood Bowl for three of the four sisters.

A fun day of swimming and relaxation.

Becky and I took a trip to the famed Diddy Riese in Westwood for ice cream sandwiches.

A shot of Kate's first game on the Master's College soccer team. (Also the day of her first goal!!!)

Uncle Bill, Kate, and Aunt Sandy at the birthday celebration. (Happy birthday #18 Katie!)

Katie and I having fun as usual.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

yay for wonderful memories :)