Monday, September 22, 2008

A Remarkable Weekend

If you had asked me Thursday what my plans for the weekend were, I would have told you I didn't have any. If you asked me today what I did this weekend, I would be hard pressed to remember it all!:o) Becky and Justin invited me to go to Biblestudy with them on Friday evening, and then I spent the night at their apartment. We slept in a little bit on Saturday, and then went to breakfast and ran some errands. The rest of the day was spent doing stuff around their house and doing some shopping, and then we went to Master's to pick up Micah and Katie for dinner. We had a lot of fun making pizzas and chatting, and I ended up spending another night at Becky and Justin's after we took Kate and Micah back to school. On Sunday Kate and I went to church together. The sermon was from Luke 23, and Pastor MacArthur talked about the reactions of the people surrounding Jesus on that day. I was struck by just how much was going on around Him, and yet how focused He remained on why He was there. I had a lot of fun with the kids in the nursery during second service, and then Kate and I drove to the Getty Museum to spend some time there for a school project she had. Afterward we went to Diddy Riese, and then spent a few hours studying for a history test she has this week and just enjoying being sisters. I've included a couple of pictures from our adventures below. Overall it was a wonderfully encouraging weekend, and I look forward to my first day of a new clinical tomorrow!

The view from the Getty.

Katie taking time to smell the roses.

Hanging out in the gardens.

Kate and I.

A candid shot.;o)

Katie nearly fell into the creek taking this one, so I felt it just had to be included.:o)

A shot of the waterfall and gardens. Kate and I enjoyed the garden area most of all, and agreed that God is by far the greatest artist of them all.

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